Fernando Desouches

Fernando’s Key Takeaways:

Build a shared common vision with your team – and your role, as a senior leader, is to keep that vision alive. Ask yourself: What is the end goal? What are we looking for? What is the difference we're making? How does that feel when we get there?

Believe in what you are doing. Do things that engage and get people excited, that align the personal incentives with the professional ones, and that give direction and energy.

To achieve a creative pivot, first identify the problem and then own it. Only by understanding the behaviours that create that problem and the beliefs that are sustaining those behaviours can you succeed in your journey toward a transformational breakthrough.

Barriers to successful, creative leadership come more from our internal organisational beliefs – of what we think is the right thing to do, or what we did in the past.

Invest time in yourself. As a leader, it’s essential to ask for help by accessing the right people and resources. Explore holistic therapies to help you feel connected to who you are, how you feel, how you believe, what it is the difference you can make from there?

And then get the best creativity out of your people by creating safe spaces for them to develop and create.

Fernando Desouches, MD of New Macho at BBD Perfect Storm


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